See A New World
With the Columbus project anyone will be able to see a new world. You can have a preview and see it yourself by clicking the button in the header of this website. It is all freely available.
No one wants to be Columbus
The Columbus project is in essence a showcase for a better world but no one is interested to even start looking at this new world. The proposals mentioned on the news page were neglected. And this is the critical point, we need to see the new world to understand what we are neglecting.
Do you want to be a 21st century Columbus?
The first step of the worldwide campaign to inform students about the Columbus project consists of an information email to universities, student associations, news media, politicians, etc. This email is written by Nils Beetsma, initiator of the Columbus project and student at the university of Amsterdam. Check out this information email and get a concise overview of the project and how Nils came to this initiative for students and carried out by students.